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Staffing Executive Webinar

How to Differentiate Your Agency by Building and Scaling Your Talent Community

Now available on demand

In today's crowded staffing market, standing out from the competition is more challenging than ever. Many agencies rely on the same recruitment strategies and candidate sources as their competitors. This leads to a race to the bottom, with agencies competing for the same limited pool of candidates and sacrificing quality in the process.

But what if there was a way to break free from the competition by differentiating your services?

In this webinar, we'll share best practices for attracting top-tier talent: building and scaling your own talent community.

  • Why agencies struggle to differentiate their services
  • How a talent community can help you stand out from the competition
  • Steps you can take to build and scale a talent community
  • Real-world examples of the results of building a talent community
David Folwell
President, Staffing Referrals
Rachelle Arnold
VP of Customer Experience, Staffing Referrals

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